     每次聽完Jack Johnson 的歌都會有種慵懶的感覺,讓人感覺溫煦柔和的嗓音,真不適宜在上班時間聽他的歌,會讓我有種不想上班的感覺,上次在Rita網頁上聽到另一首歌Better together 很好聽。
而這首歌讓我對電視新聞整天充斥著紛紛擾擾的媒體,打開電視-負面的社會報導、政治語言、天災人禍接壤而至,有很深的感覺..! 應該多報一些正面的新聞及主題,讓大家對這世界充滿多一點信心,這世界還是很多好人的!~
Good People - Jack Johnson
You win
Its your show, now
So whats it gunna be
Cause people
Will tune in
How many train wrecks do we need to see?
Before we lose touch of
We thought this was low
It's bad gettin worse so

Whered all the good people go
Ive been changin channels
I dont see them on the tv shows

Whered all the good people go
We got heaps and heaps of what we sow

They got this and that and
With a rattle a tat
Testing one two,
Now whatcha gunna do?
Bad news, misused,
Got too much to lose
Gimme some truth
Now whos side are we on?
Whatever you say
Turn on the boob tube
Im in the mood to obey
So lead me astray by the way, now

Where'd all the good people go?
I've been changin channels
I dont see them on the tv shows

Whered all the good people go
We got heaps and heaps of what we sow

Sitting round feeling far away
So far away but I can feel the debris
Can you feel it?
Yo interrupt me from a friendly conversation
To tell me how great its all gunna be
You might notice some hesitation
Cause whats important to you is not important to me
Way down by the edge of your reasons
Its beginning to show
And all I wanna know is..

Whered all the good people go
Ive been changin channels
I dont see them on the tv shows
Whered all the good people go
We got heaps and heaps of what we sow

They got this and that
With a rattle a tat
Testing one, two
Now what you gonna do?
Bad news, misused, gimme some truth
You got too much to lose
Whose side are we on?
Whatever you say
Run the resolut but in the mood to obey
Station to station desensitizing the nation

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    H Kelly

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